North West Plumbing & Heating

Fact And Myths

The Facts and Myths

Legally, to become an Air Source Heat Pump installer, one has to have certain qualifications, such as a minimum of 3 years of plumbing experience.  One also requires Water Regulations including qualification for unvented water.

However if you want to access the government grants, then the installer has to be a member of a body accredited with MCS which oversees the grants as well as making sure the installer adheres to a much higher standard. This is a huge benefit to the customer.

Yes, Given all ASHP have mechanical parts and fluids it’s a good idea to have them serviced every year, to validate your ASHP warranty as well as making sure they work to the manufacturer’s instructions, a routine service may also pick up problems before they develop into something major.

Again this will vary but in truth the answer is yes and no.  Most of the units are located outside and hopefully the installer has borne that in mind. Generally the noise level is no more than a whisper.

Fans can be very quiet indeed when in low demand, in summer and at night for example.

Fans can be very quiet indeed when in low demand, at night for example.

Studies have shown they do work,  provided the following criteria are met

1  The heat loss calculations are done correctly.

2)  The insulation is compliant.

3)  The pipework supports the water flow rates.

4)  The radiators are compliant.

Lets not forget the Air Source Heat Pump is not going to be right for all properties and where the Air Source Heat Pump is not going to be the best fit for you, North West Plumbing and Heating will inform you

If you’re thinking about installing Air Source Heat Pumps why not give us a call or simply get in touch.

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